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Vue Material Dashboard

Product description

Get Shit Done Kit Pro it's a Bootstrap Kit that comes with a huge number of customisable components. They are not only designed to be pixel perfect and light but they are also easy to use and combine with other components.
It features an amazing sets of elements that are vital to any project. Everything you need to start your website is right here, looking as good as ever.

Beautiful bright colors

Each color has a strong pigment and was chosen to make your design shine. Each component from Get Shit Done Kit Pro can have one of these colors. Try on different combinations and be sure that everything works together. Get Shit Done Kit focuses on conveying the attention of your users to the important parts of the page and the actions. While keeping a light feel, the colors give the page an extra push.

Fully coded items

Don't spend time thinking of how to implement great items, they are already coded and easy to integrate. Every item comes in two forms: PSD element in the designer pack and HTML/CSS/JS implementation in the developer pack. To make the process of design seamless, switching from the image to the real page is extremely easy. We also offer the SCSS version you want to customize them. All items are intuitive and easy to follow. Besides, our documentation covers all possibilities of implementation. Built with Bootstrap one of the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. To see their full documentation, you can check it out at theirpage.

Pixel perfect icons

Thanks to our friend from Pixeden, they made a really great job with the stroke icons. You will love them the moment you see them integrated in all our items.

Layered Components

Every component is made of separate layers and neatly organised by folders. Elements have multiple states: colors, styles, hover, focus, which are easily accessible. Besides providing customisation, we also provide support and and easy-to-use PSD files. All changes to elements are easy to do and propagate to all states due to the smart object we used. On top of that, we offer a swatch components that contains all the colors and gradients from the Get Shit Done Kit Pro.


We have created a set of 8 pre-built pages that can give you a jump start into your development:

Product certified by: Creative Tim
Vue Material Dashboard - Fully Coded and Responsive HTML5
Vue Material Dashboard - Less Files for Professional Front End Developers
Vue Material Dashboard - Sass Files for Professional Front End Developers
Vue Material Dashboard - Photoshop Files for Professional Designers
Vue Material Dashboard - JavaScript
 library for building user interfaces
7 years ago
9 years ago
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Handcrafted Elements
Customized Plugins
Example Pages
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Fully Responsive

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